Get On The Same Page & Deepen Connection

How Would You Feel If You...





It's Time To Learn The Skills Of Relationship

Love isn't enough to make relationships work... it takes the right skills and a willingness to continuously grow. The Love Your Relationship course is fertile soil for your relationship skills to blossom together.


Breathe life, passion, and aliveness in your relationship to feel closer and stronger together as you grow in love for yourself and your partner.


Reveal the keys to navigating the winding road of relationship and feel confident in knowing exactly wat is needed every step of the way.


Shift yourself in new ways, discovering a deeper sense of compassion in both how to connect and collaborate in lasting ways with your partner.



Discover the blindspots that impact your relationship and learn the tools to effectively communicate and create connection with safety and teamwork.

“Jan & Monika gave me direction on how to eliminate self-doubt, self-hate, and self-defeating behaviors. If you're brand new to working or hearing from them - welcome to the beginning of a new YOU.”

Kenton G. | Willoughby,OH

"I gotta tell you, my life is transformed FOR THE GREATER GOOD.

I'm a better mom, wife, and woman!

I'm living with purpose!"

Raquel F.

"The biggest thing we have come out of this program with, is a clear understanding of who we are as a family

and now we work together even stronger."

Maria S.

"We got the support we needed to successfully handle the challenging times & are so thankful for the tools & resources to have a loving & everlasting relationship.”

Marques & Leila M.


Learn The Tools

Be Supported With Coaching

Implement & Love Your Relationship!

Week 1:


Create commitment to operate as a team and feel like you are on the same page with your partner.

Week 2:


Change how YOU are showing up in the relationship. Heal your past so you can be the best partner you can be!

Week 2:


Change how YOU are showing up in the relationship. Heal your past so you can be the best partner you can be!

Week 3:


Learn to effectively understand and be understood by your partner to minimize arguments.

Week 4:


Practice research-based tools that are proven to create happier and long-lasting relationships.

Week 4:


Practice research-based tools that are proven to create happier and long-lasting relationships.




Expert Relationship Coaches with Masters In Spiritual Psychology

We've been trusted mentors to our clients relationships for nearly 30 years. We've also experienced first hand how hard relationship can be on ones heart. And we're here to tell you there's another way.

We’ve learned from the good and the bad in our journey and want to impart our wisdom, experience & research so you don’t have to go through what we did to love your relationship.




Expert Relationship Coaches with Masters In Spiritual Psychology

We've been trusted mentors to our clients relationships for nearly 30 years. We've also experienced first hand how hard relationship can be on ones heart. And we're here to tell you there's another way.

We’ve learned from the good and the bad in our journey and want to impart our wisdom, experience & research so you don’t have to go through what we did to love your relationship.

Next Group Starts:

August 21st

Love Your Relationship Program


  • LIVE Group Coaching Classes via zoom for each week (90 min)

  • Course Workbook: Get a downloadable workbook chock full of lessons and assignments that will powerfully transform your relationship.

  • Private Online Community with Jan + Monika and everyone else in the program!

  • COUPLES only need one ticket - your partner can join for free!

  • LIVE Group Coaching Classes via zoom for each week (90 min)

  • Course Workbook: Get a downloadable workbook chock full of lessons and assignments that will powerfully transform your relationship.

  • Private Online Community with Jan + Monika and everyone else in the program!

  • COUPLES only need one ticket - your partner can join for free!

Total Value: $1,997


"I fell in love with my husband and my life again... I won ME back ."

- Jess P.

We've Been There...

Our relationship is happy now... but trust us, it has been a lot of WORK.

Our marriage has been anything but a typical fairytale romance. We fell in love, we broke up, we got back together, we got engaged, we broke up again, and then got back together and got married. And now we've been together for 30 years and have 3 kids.

So we figured it out, right?

Our first year of marriage was a DISASTER . We loved each other, but we couldn't figure out how to get along. One of us led the fights, obsessed with being right, and the other feared the pending break-up that came with each fight. We both started to feel like we would never be able to figure this out. Maybe love wasn't enough. We weren't happy and we didn't know how to fix it. 

Fast forward to today, we now both have Master's in Spiritual Psychology, and we spend our days coaching people on their relationships, their communication, and their Self-love.

Through the combination of our education, training, and personal life experiences, we've learned to create the relationship of our dreams and we're passionate to help others create theirs. And don't get us wrong, we still have upsets, but now we know how to navigate those challenges. We know how to communicate with each other, we know how to support each other, we strive to love each other, and recognize each other's strengths and lift each other's weaknesses. We've learned the practice of not taking things personally. Our commitment is to work through whatever comes up, no matter what. We are a team, and we tackle our problems together instead of against each other. And we know now that there is nothing that needs to be "fixed", only things to be discovered.

It's clear we've put in the miles to foster a healthy, loving, supportive relationship, but it didn't happen by accident, and it certainly didn't happen overnight. We didn't just get "lucky." We worked HARD for it. We've learned to listen, to forgive, to apologize, to be honest, to acknowledge each other, and to discover something new about each other daily so that we are always growing. Now that we're not spending time and energy working shit out, we get to USE that energy being romantic, creative, playful, silly, loving, and joyful (and our kids reap the benefits too...).  

So you can probably guess why we want to pay this forward to you. We want you to get to your happy place in your relationship. We want you to feel loved, supported, heard, and understood so that you can


~ Love Jan & Monika Zands

We've Been There...

Our relationship is happy now... but trust us, it has been a lot of WORK. Our marriage has been anything but a typical fairytale romance. We fell in love, we broke up, we got back together, we got engaged, we broke up again, and then got back together and got married. And now we've been together for 30 years and have 3 kids.

So we figured it out, right?

Our first year of marriage was a DISASTER . We loved each other, but we couldn't figure out how to get along. One of us led the fights, obsessed with being right, and the other feared the pending break-up that came with each fight. We both started to feel like we would never be able to figure this out. Maybe love wasn't enough. We weren't happy and we didn't know how to fix it. 

Fast forward to today, we now both have Master's in Spiritual Psychology, and we spend our days coaching people on their relationships, their communication, and their Self-love.

Through the combination of our education, training, and personal life experiences, we've learned to create the relationship of our dreams and we're passionate to help others create theirs. And don't get us wrong, we still have upsets, but now we know how to navigate those challenges. We know how to communicate with each other, we know how to support each other, we strive to love each other, and recognize each other's strengths and lift each other's weaknesses. We've learned the practice of not taking things personally. Our commitment is to work through whatever comes up, no matter what. We are a team, and we tackle our problems together instead of against each other. And we know now that there is nothing that needs to be "fixed", only things to be discovered.

It's clear we've put in the miles to foster a healthy, loving, supportive relationship, but it didn't happen by accident, and it certainly didn't happen overnight. We didn't just get "lucky." We worked HARD for it. We've learned to listen, to forgive, to apologize, to be honest, to acknowledge each other, and to discover something new about each other daily so that we are always growing. Now that we're not spending time and energy working shit out, we get to USE that energy being romantic, creative, playful, silly, loving, and joyful (and our kids reap the benefits too...).  

So you can probably guess why we want to pay this forward to you. We want you to get to your happy place in your relationship. We want you to feel loved, supported, heard, and understood so that you can


~ Love Jan & Monika Zands


  1. Is this course only for couples? No! While couples will benefit, if you are single, you can use this course to work on loving yourself, and gaining the skills necessary to create the relationship you desire when you meet that special someone.

  2. What if I can't make the live zoom calls? While we highly encourage you to attend the zoom calls live (its only for a month), they will be recorded if you can't make them!

  3. What if we already love our relationship? Even if you already love your relationship this program can support you in experiencing even deeper love, greater connection and more fun with your partner.

  4. What if I don't want a relationship right now? This course will equip you to love yourself more and have the transformation needed to simply love more - as a friend, parent, child, or coworker - and build relationships you love.